Day 2 - Naming

ante diem xiv Kalendas Augustas DCLIV A.V.C. (July 19th, 100 BC)

It's been eight days since the birth. The baby is very healthy. Today my master performed the lustratio (a purification ceremony) and once again, the portents proved very favorable for this child.

His name is Gaius Julius Caesar. At his naming, his mother placed the protective bulla (a kind of amulet worn to protect children from all sorts of evil) around his neck. I pray that it will keep him from the evil eye. I'm certain that the woman living two houses down from us is a maga, so little Gaius definitely needs the protection.

Baby Gaius with his new bulla 

Aurelia says that she's never seen a cuter baby!

Experience Caesar's naming ceremony
1. Have everyone choose a Latin name (here is a list). I suggest replacing the middle name with the new Latin name. It's easier to remember, and it remains a true Roman trinomen.
2. Father Gaius Caesar should hold up the baby and declare his new name (you may wish to perform a fake suovetaurilia - i.e. the sacrifice of a cow, pig, and sheep - as part of the lustratio; stuffed animals work great for that.)
3. Mother Aurelia can put on his new bulla (his protective amulet).

4. Play Maga!

Maga Rules
This is a form of 'Mafia' if know that game.

1. Distribute standard playing cards to students. Kings get protective bullae (you can make a bulla in many ways; I made my last set with plastic necklace cords and circular key chain labels from Lowe's), Queens and Jokers are Magae (sorceresses). Other cards are Roman citizens. Students should keep their roles secret.

2. Students begin mingling with one another, introducing themselves with their new trinomina (Hi, I'm Sarah 'Ovidia' Smith. Hello, Sarah 'Ovidia' Smith! I'm David 'Scribonius' Jones!) During this greeting, the magae may choose to place a "curse" on their partner by winking at them (i.e. giving them the "evil eye.") They should keep this as secret as possible to avoid being discovered, so they are not required to place a curse if they know that someone is watching.

3. If cursed, the student should die dramatically at the 2nd HAND they touch after the curse. The curse takes a little time to take affect. Make sure that it's clear that citizens must keep the curse a secret until the 2nd HAND that they touch after being cursed. 

4. Students with a bulla (i.e. students with the King card) cannot be cursed, and they are the only ones who can guess the identity of the magae. If they guess incorrectly, however, they lose their bulla of protection and they cannot guess again.

5. The magae win if they curse all of the citizens without being discovered by those with the bullae.

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